Introduction to CBT-E Clinical Workshop

CBT-E is the abbreviation for “enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy” and it refers to a “transdiagnostic” psychological treatment for eating disorders. It is an individualised treatment with four stages. CBT-E is a NICE recommended treatment for all forms of eating disorders in adults (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder). NICE recommends CBT-E for young people where family-based approaches are not appropriate.

This two-day workshop is primarily intended for those who have relatively limited experience of CBT-E and would like an introduction to using CBT-E. It will also be suitable for practitioners who would like a refresher course. The workshop will focus on CBT-E for use with adult outpatients but other versions will also be discussed. It will include clinical demonstrations and practical exercises. Both presenters have extensive experience of CBT-E and are trained CBT-E research trial therapists.