"Employed by many of the Nobility and first Architects in the Kingdom": Eleanor Coade, a study in eighteenth-century business practice
The Graduate Seminar in History 1680-1850 will be holding weekly online seminars on Tuesdays, weeks 1-8, at 16:00. Interested students should contact either Perry Gauci (perry.gauci@lincoln.ox.ac.uk), or Oliver Cox (oliver.cox@humanities.ox.ac.uk) for further details.

While access to the seminar is primarily for members of the university, others can apply to the convenors to join in.
Date: 2 February 2021, 16:00
Venue: Online with Microsoft Teams
Speaker: Caroline Stanford (Kellogg College, Oxford)
Organising department: Faculty of History
Part of: Graduate Seminar in History, 1680-1850
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Laura Spence