Rasters Revealed
Rasters Revealed is a one-day conference about the use of raster datasets. Many conferences are themed around specific market sectors, and end up presenting on very similar topics. This meeting seeks to do something a little different!
The aim is to use raster data as a common thread to share knowledge and experience of data generation, management, dissemination and processing methods that are applied and required across the large range of market sectors and disciplines (commercial and academic) that utilise raster datasets.
The full list of talks and workshops is available here: rastersrevealed.net/on-the-day
The meeting will focus on sharing experiences of using these data and highlight areas where disciplines could learn from each other to make processing, management and data use more efficient. The attendees will hear about potentially new methods and techniques, and will have the opportunity to make new contacts.
This meeting is targeted to people who might do some or all of the following:
*develop software for processing raster data;
*store and manage TB of raster data;
*have issues moving such data across networks;
*use raster data on a daily basis; or are looking to start using raster data;
*are a proprietary data or software provider;
*are a proponent and supplier of open raster data and associated software;
*use rasters in terrestrial environments;
*are interested in elevation;
*use marine-based or atmospheric raster data; or
*do a myriad other things linked to rasters!
More information here: rastersrevealed.net
21 February 2017, 10:00
Worcester College, Walton Street OX1 2HB
Venue Details:
Linbury Building, step free access
Speaker: Various Speakers
Dr Helen Gavin (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Dr Helen Gavin (University of Oxford)
Booking required?:
Booking url:
Helen Gavin