Winners and Losers in a Warming World Ð Climate Rights and Responsibilities

How exactly are humans changing the climate, who is making the largest contribution and how does the impact differ from place to place? Can the damage done by climate change be apportioned to individuals and our decisions, and should we each be responsible for changing our own behaviour, or should governments lead the way? Do consumers have the right to continue to cause pollution and use resources in ways that contribute to climate change, or should they be stopped? Are they infringing on the rights of people in other (maybe less industrialised) countries or those of future generations and other animals? Should we change our lifestyles to mitigate climate change or accept it and seek to adapt? In an attempt to answer these questions we will bring together perspectives from science, law and philosophy. The speakers will help us to assess the change we are experiencing, propose measures to combat this change, define the roles and responsibilities of different countries and single individuals and discuss the feasibility of an international framework for climate rights‚‚.