Researching your Bibliography
This one hour lecture is aimed at 2nd year undergraduates and follows on from the “Framing an Undergraduate Thesis and the Perils of Plagiarism” session offered by Dr Benjamin Thompson in week 4 of Hilary Term 2018. This session aims to give you a head start on the skills you will need to track down secondary literature and primary source material for your thesis. A range of library catalogues, databases, web portals and more will be explored to help you make the best use of your time
Date: 2 March 2018, 11:00
Venue: Examination Schools, 75-81 High Street OX1 4BG
Venue Details: North Schools
Speaker: Rachel D'Arcy Brown (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Faculty of History
Organiser: Rachel D'Arcy Brown (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Rachel D'Arcy-Brown, Bethan Jenkins