Oxford Energy Seminar Series – Week 5 TT24: Nuclear: Why small is beautiful
Why are Small Modular Reactors the future for nuclear? For one, their reduced scale and off-site manufacturability: a key factor that reduces the expenses and extended timelines linked to large-scale reactors. This also brings a reduction of financial risk – a result of simplified commercial deployment – which creates a more attractive prospect for significant private sector funding. Together, these advantages can allow SMRs, particularly those using advanced (Generation IV) technology, to play a game-changing role in the energy mix for Europe and the UK, supporting the fight against climate change and energy insecurity alongside renewables while offsetting their storage and reliability costs. With the inclusion of nuclear in the EU Taxonomy and the European Commission’s creation of a European SMR Alliance, which aims to facilitate and accelerate the development, demonstration, and deployment of SMRs in Europe, SMRs and AMRs are here to stay, and this seminar highlights why they’re gaining traction.
Date: 21 May 2024, 17:00 (Tuesday, 5th week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details: Atmosphere Room, School of Geograpy
Speaker: Andrew Murdoch (newcleo)
Organising department: Environmental Change Institute
Organisers: Karen Parry (Coordinator, Oxford Energy Network), Robin Morris (Oxford Energy Convenor)
Organiser contact email address: info@energy.ox.ac.uk
Hosts: Karen Parry (Coordinator, Oxford Energy Network), Robin Morris (Oxford Energy Convenor)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.energy.ox.ac.uk/events/event/energy-seminar-week-5-tt24-nuclear-why-small-is-beautiful/
Booking email: info@energy.ox.ac.uk
Cost: 0
Audience: Public
Editor: Karen Parry