Hacking the Code of Life
Scientists now have unparalleled technology to alter the genome of any organism on the planet using gene editing. We can improve the yields of subsistence crops or wipe out genetic disease in a family. But should there be limits on the applications of this technology, and if so, who should decide what they are? And even if society makes these decisions, will it be able to enforce them?

Dr Carey is currently a Visiting Professor at Imperial College, London, but worked in industry for thirteen years, notably as the International Director for PraxisUnico, and she has been an adviser to the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Medical Research Council. She is also a best-selling popular-science author, writing three books successfully communicating complex genetics topics to a general audience.
Date: 10 February 2020, 17:15
Venue: T. S. Eliot Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr Nessa Carey (Imperial College)
Organising department: Merton College
Organiser: Henry Grub (Merton College)
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url: https://careyatmerton.eventbrite.co.uk
Cost: Free; booking recommended
Audience: Public
Editor: Simon Cope