War in Vietnam and its Afterlives: the politics of the intimate and everyday
1. “The legacy of war and the promise of love: the cultural impact of Senegalese families of Vietnamese descent” by Mamadou Fall (Cheikh Ana Diop University, Senegal)
2. “Everyday Vietnam in post-independent Algeria” by Natalya Benkhaled-Vince (Oxford University, UK)
3. “Containing Viet Minh Intelligence Tactics”: Colonial Troops, French Military Anxieties and Sexual Regulation in the First Vietnam War” by Marie Robin (Columbia University, USA)
Discussant: Aincre Maame-Fosua Evans (University of Oxford, UK)
This is an inperson event but you can attend online: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PSnC2PMTSWGdMuIxemavcw
Date: 27 June 2024, 10:00 (Thursday, 10th week, Trinity 2024)
Venue: Rothermere American Institute, 1A South Parks Road OX1 3UB
Speakers: Mamadou Fall (Cheikh Anta Diop University), Natalya Vince (University College, Oxford), Marie Robin (Columbia University), Aincre Maame-Fosua Evans (University of Oxford)
Organisers: Natalya Vince (University College, Oxford), Dr Uta Balbier (St Anne's College, Oxford), Luke Melchiorre (Universidad de los Andes), Dan Hodgkinson (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: africa.vietnamwar24@gmail.com
Part of: Africans and war in Vietnam: global protest, liberation politics and transnational soldiers
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: africa.vietnamwar24@gmail.com
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Natalya Vince