Juries, Hobbes and Weber
A sandwich lunch will be provided so please register if you would like to attend.
Abstract not yet added
Date: 4 May 2018, 12:00
Venue: New College, Holywell Street OX1 3BN
Venue Details: Lecture Room 6
Speaker: Richard Tuck (Harvard)
Organising department: Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
Organisers: Yutang Jin (Oxford), Jessica Begon (Oxford), Stuart White (Jesus College, Oxford)
Part of: Political Theory Research Seminar Series
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/political-theory-research-seminar-tt18-registration-45062307575
Audience: Public
Editors: Nina Kruglikova, Holly Omand, Minna Lehtinen