Kellogg Colloquium: Context, Routine and Understanding in the Life of Dentists
Dentists, like other health professionals, are frequently berated by academics and public health professionals for not following evidence-based guidance. But what is actually going on in practice? How do dentists change what they do? In this Kellogg Colloquium, our speaker, Dominic Hurst, will present on his DPhil project with general dental practitioners trying to understand just what understanding is for them and what influences it.
Dominic is a DPhil student in Evidence Based Medicine, and a Clinical Lecturer in Primary Dental Care at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Dominic leads the evidence based dentistry part of QMUL’s new undergraduate dental curriculum. He is interested in how to facilitate the transfer of research knowledge into general dental practice, and writes regularly for the Evidence-Based Dentistry journal.
All members of Kellogg College and their guests are welcome to attend. The talks will begin at 17:30 in the Stopforth-Metcalfe Room (upstairs in no. 60 Banbury Rd.). Time for questions will follow the talk, and members of college are welcome to continue the discussions with the speaker at informal dinner from 18.15.
14 June 2016, 17:30
Kellogg College, 62 Banbury Road OX2 6PN
Venue Details:
Stopforth-Metcalfe Room
Speaker to be announced
Organising department:
Kellogg College
Dr David Johnson (Kellogg College and OeRC)
Organiser contact email address:
Dr David Johnson (Kellogg College and OeRC)
Part of:
The Colloquium at Kellogg College
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
David Johnson