Financialization in the City

In his seminal 1989 paper David Harvey argued that an entrepreneurial form had replaced the post-war managerial approach of urban governance. In recent years the literature has introduced financialization to the analysis of urban governance and urban development. Evidence of financialized urbanism to date is scattered, contested and not always well connected to other theorizations of urban development. In this paper I review a range a case studies of financialization in cities and present a typology of urban financialization, ranging from financialization-from-within, via laissez-faire financialization, to subordinate and predatory financialization. The argument is that financialization can both be a form of urban managerialism and of urban entrepreneurialism/neoliberalism. Notwithstanding these important urban variegations in financialization and the possibilities of contestation at the urban scale, it is difficult to completely escape pressures to financialize the city.