CHG Lunchtime Lab Talks: Professor Christopher Buckley (Kennedy) & Handunnetthi Group

There is no need to register if you are a member of the Centre for Human Genetics. For anyone from a different unit who would like to attend in person please email at least 2 days in advance stating who you are and your affiliation. You will need to bring your University card to show at reception and sign in and out of the building. If you would like to join the talks online there is no need to register.

Buckley Group – Kennedy Institute (12:30-13:00)
Speaker: Professor Christopher Buckley
Title: A therapeutic cell atlas to study Immune Mediated Inflammatory Diseases.
Unlike haematological diseases where the gene (haemoglobin), cell (red blood cell) and clinical features
(anaemia) map well onto each other, the cellular basis for most inflammatory diseases remains enigmatic.
The Human Cell Atlas (HCA) [1] was established to construct a map of the different cell types involved in
forming human organs using single cell analysis with spatial analysis to locate their position in tissue. Using
the principles of the HCA in an Arthritis Therapy Acceleration Programme (A-TAP) we have assessed how
the cellular composition of tissue is affected following treatment with biologics such as anti TNF across a
range of IMIDs including RA and IBD [2]. This therapeutic cell atlas can be used to instruct and power
experimental medicine studies where a common cell-based marker [3] is used in Bayesian driven basket
trials as a common outcome measure in the study [4].

Handunnetthi Group (13:00-13:30)
Speaker: TBC
Title: TBC