Kellogg Colloquium: Ghostly Presences, Hidden Absences
Ghostly Presences, Hidden Absences: the concealed and the conjured in mid-18th -19th-century visual practice

In this edition of the Kellogg Colloquium in Trinity Term 2016, we will have two Kellogg speakers from the Master of Studies in Literature and Arts (MLA) programme talking about their research.

Cathy Jewison and Elisabeth Grass are students in the MLA programme, who will each speak about some of the work they are doing towards their respective degrees. Elisabeth is researching cultural and artistic representations of absentee West Indian planters in mid-eighteenth century Britain. Her talk will consider their appearances in literature of the pre and early abolitionist period. Cathy is researching the intersection of technology and the otherworldly during the Victorian era. Her talk will focus on how the magic lantern and the technique of the ‘dissolving view’ provided a new means of expression for the Victorian spiritualist experience, spirit art, and the ghost story.

All members of Kellogg College and their guests are welcome to attend. The talks will begin at 17:30 in the Meeting Room in 62 Banbury Road. Time for questions will follow the talk, and members of college are welcome to continue the discussions with the speaker at the Guest Night dinner from 18.45 (advance booking is required to attend the Guest Night).
Date: 8 June 2016, 17:30
Venue: Kellogg College, 62 Banbury Road OX2 6PN
Venue Details: Stopforth-Metcalfe Room
Speakers: Catherine Jewison (Kellogg College), Elisabeth Grass (Kellogg College)
Organising department: Kellogg College
Organiser: Dr David Johnson (Kellogg College and OeRC)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr David Johnson (Kellogg College and OeRC)
Part of: The Colloquium at Kellogg College
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: David Johnson