The first Joseph Raz Memorial Lecture: The Meaning and Importance of Autonomy in a World in Which We Have no Free Will
Prof Nehushtan, a former student of Joseph Raz, holds degrees from Striks Law School (LLB), the Hebrew University (LLM) and Oxford University (BCL, MPhil, DPhil). He is currently a Professor of Law and Philosophy at Keele University. In Keele, Yossi is the General Editor of the Keele Law Review, and Co-Director of the MA in Human Rights. Yossi’s areas of research are legal theory, political theory, public law, human rights law, and law and religion. Yossi was Visiting Research Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, Oxford University (2022); and held the HLA Hart Visiting Research Fellowship at the Oxford Centre for Ethics and Philosophy of Law (CEPL), University College, Oxford (2013). Yossi had the privilege of having Joseph Raz as his supervisor for his BCL dissertation, MPhil, and DPhil at Oxford.
Buffet reception at 19:00 – RSVP for buffet reception to
All are welcome!
2 May 2023, 20:00
Slager Jewish Student Centre, 61 George St, Oxford, OX1 2BQ
Professor Yossi Nehushtan
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Oxford Chabad Society
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Not required
Belinda Clark