FOUR-DIMENSIONAL EUCHARIST - Flat Eucharist: Schemes and Screens
Flat Eucharist: Schemes and Screens

This session thinks about the different 2D modes and conventions upon which we rely for our access to the Eucharist. It considers the linear nature of ‘argument’ for making Eucharistic meaning, and its limitations. It looks at the conventions of written, printed liturgy, at how the technology of the page filters, orders and confines what happens. Informed by the recent experience of the pandemic, it discusses screened Eucharists as technologically-enabled representations which may – or may not – falter on the threshold between communion and its simulation.

This lecture will take place in person in the University Church on Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 11.30am. It will also be livestreamed on our social media channels.
Date: 11 May 2021, 11:30 (Tuesday, 3rd week, Trinity 2021)
Venue: The University Church of St Mary the Virgin, High Street OX1 4AH
Speaker: The Revd Canon Dr Jessica Martin (Ely Cathedral)
Organising department: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editor: Frances Roach