Episcopal Conservatism and the Implementation of the Henrician Reformation
Lucy Wooding, Rethinking Catholicism in Reformation England (2000)
Margaret Bowker, The Henrician Reformation: The Diocese of Lincoln under John Longland 1521-1547 (1981)
Aude De Mézerac-Zanetti, ‘Reforming the Liturgy under Henry VIII: The Instructions of John Clerk, Bishop of Bath and Wells (PRO, SP6/3, Fos 42r–44v)’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 64/1 (2013), 96-111
16 February 2023, 17:00
Jesus College, Turl Street OX1 3DW
Venue Details:
Habakkuk Room, and online via Microsoft Teams
Yicen Liu (St Cross)
Organising department:
Faculty of History
Part of:
Early Modern Britain Seminar
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Laura Spence,
Belinda Clark