Panel Discussion: 'The great carbon market debate: is it over for offsetting?'
In-person attendance fully booked. Online attendance still available.
Critics and proponents of offsetting agree: achieving global net zero emissions is essential. But how we get there is up for debate.

Once hailed as a key solution to help individuals, organisations and governments achieve net zero emissions, offsetting approaches, and the carbon market underpinning them, have been plagued by bad actors, bad credits, and bad press.

But is the era of carbon offsetting over? Or could it still be reformed – not only offering a critical path to net zero, but also providing a necessary and efficient way to drive investment in mitigation projects, nature and sustainable livelihoods?

Finally, does the carbon market need offsetting, or could it still grow without selling “offsets”?

Join an expert panel of academics and practitioners as they discuss the future of net zero aligned carbon offsetting.

This discussion will be followed by a drinks reception, all welcome.

This is a joint event with The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment.


To register to attend in-person in Oxford:

To register to watch live online on Crowdcast:
Date: 27 February 2024, 17:15 (Tuesday, 7th week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: Lecture Theatre (and online)
Speakers: Professor Mette Morsing (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford), Prof Myles Allen (School of Geography and the Environment), Sabine Frank (Carbon Market Watch), Lydia Sheldrake (Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI)), Kaya Axelsson (Oxford Net Zero)
Organising department: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
Organiser: Oxford Martin School (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Oxford Martin School Events
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Clara Bowyer, Hannah Mitchell