Writing History from Archival Documents : The Case of Byzantium

3.30-6.00pm : Byzantine and post-Byzantine Greek documents
Kostis Smyrlis (New York University) : Byzantine monastic archives and the history of the Empire
Cristina Rognoni (Università di Palermo) : Greek Documents as sources for the history of Byzantine and post-Byzantine Southern Italy (9th-13th Centuries)

10.00am-12.30pm : The Lion’s share
Guillaume Saint-Guillain (Université d’Amiens) : A not-so-distant mirror. Western archival sources for the history of the Late Byzantine Empire
Alessio Sopracasa (Université Paris-Sorbonne) : Late Medieval Venetian archival documents from the Eastern Mediterranean and the economic and social
history of the Levant.
1.30-4.00pm: The Tyrrhenian Duchies
Adele Di Lorenzo (LABEX RESMED, Paris) : Donations ‘pro anima’ in South Italian Greek and Latin  private deeds (10th – 12th century)
Thierry Ganchou (CNRS, Paris) : New Archival Material from the Archives of Genoa and Venice on Loukas Notaras, the last prime minister of
Byzantium  († 1453)

In collaboration with: Centre d’histoire et de civilisation de Byzance-Collège de France and ISSBN “Bruno Lavagnani”, Palermo
Date: 25 November 2016, 15:30
Venue: Maison Française Library, 2-10 Norham Road OX2 6SE
Speakers: Kostis Smyrlis (New York University), Cristina Rognoni (Università di Palermo), Guillaume Saint-Guillain (Université d'Amiens), Alessio Sopracasa (Université Paris-Sorbonne), Adele Di Lorenzo (LABEX RESMED, Paris), Thierry Ganchou (CNRS, Paris)
Organising department: Maison Française d'Oxford
Organisers: Vivien Prigent (CNRS-MFO), Arietta Papaconstantinou (Reading)
Organiser contact email address: webmaster@mfo.ac.uk
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Robert Hoare