Barriers to Academic Success in 'Bright but Poor' Young People: Findings From the EPPSE Study
Research shows that a pre-schooled child has more chance of getting better exam results and ultimately earning higher wages. A child has more chance of getting better exam results and ultimately earning higher wages by receiving pre-school education, a study published today (September 9 2014) has shown. The Effective Pre-School, Primary and Secondary (EPPSE) research shows children who go to pre-school are projected to earn £27,000 more during their career than those who don’t. They are also more likely to get better GCSE results – the equivalent of getting 7 Bs compared to 7 Cs. The research also found that early education helped young people to specifically do better in GCSE English and maths.
After earning a PhD at Harvard University Kathy moved to Oxford where she taught Psychology while serving on the Oxford Pre-school Research Group which was led by Jerome Bruner. Her book Childwatching at Playgroup and Nursery School broke new ground by questioning an unbridled ‘free play’ ideology.
17 February 2016, 16:00 (Wednesday, 5th week, Hilary 2016)
Tinbergen Building, South Parks Road OX1 3PS
Venue Details:
Lecture Theatre A
Professor Kathy Sylva
Organising department:
Department of Experimental Psychology
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?:
Not required
£5 year membership to PsyNAppS available. Alternatively, pay £2 for a single event!
Janice Young