Oxford Sustainable Finance Executive Education Drink Reception
The Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme is now inviting applications for three courses in 2020: the Sustainable Finance Foundation Course, the Climate-related Financial Risk Course, and the Engagement, Stewardship, and Sustainability Course.

Those interested in joining the courses, as well as previous alumni, contributors, and supporters are invited to attend a reception from 6:30pm on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at the British Academy, Carlton House Terrace, London, SW1Y 5AH. At the reception you’ll find out more about the courses, hear from recent participants, and have the opportunity to learn more on our plans for the future. To register your attendance at the reception please RSVP here.

The University of Oxford has a world-leading and prize-winning executive education capability in sustainable finance. The Sustainable Finance Foundation Course was launched in 2016 and is the premier short-course on sustainable finance globally. We aim to attract the best and brightest current and future leaders and deliver a unique experience that equips participants with the knowledge and networks required to undertake significant future work on sustainable finance.

The Climate-related Financial Risk Course was launched in 2019 and is designed to equip participants with the very latest knowledge on climate-related financial risks, as well as the expertise, networks, and confidence to design and implement practices for measuring and managing these risks. The course is suitable for risk officers in financial institutions; analysts and portfolio managers; corporate risk managers and strategists; financial regulators supervising or considering how to supervise firms in relation to climate-related risk; government officials integrating climate-related risk into government decision-making and policy; and NGOs working on climate-related financial risks.

The Engagement, Stewardship, and Sustainability Course is our newest course. Engagement and stewardship are fundamental to achieving sustainable finance. During the course we will examine engagement and stewardship across different asset classes, sectors, and geographies; explore current and emerging engagement strategies; scrutinise the data and analysis that can inform engagement; investigate developments in regulation and technology that create opportunities for engagement; and consider the role of policymakers, regulators, companies, and civil society in enhancing (or frustrating) effective engagement.

All of our courses are designed to equip participants with essential foundational knowledge of core principles and concepts in sustainable finance, as well as an advanced understanding of the very latest developments.

You can find details of our courses and how to apply on www.smithschool.ox.ac.uk/courses. We strongly encourage early applications.
Date: 10 March 2020, 18:30
Venue: Lee library
Speaker: Ben Caldecott (Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)
Organising department: Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment
Organiser contact email address: events@smithschool.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: events@smithschool.ox.ac.uk
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editors: Chris White, Anna Baginska, Donna Palfreman