Hirsch Lecture 2022
'From Batteries to Solar Cells: Exploring Energy Materials on the Atomic Scale'
Breakthroughs in clean energy technologies require advances in new materials and underpinning science. A greater fundamental understanding of energy materials depends upon characterisation of their structural, transport and nano-scale behaviour.

This talk will highlight the use of advanced modelling methods in synergy with experimental techniques to gain atomic-scale insights into novel materials for lithium-on batteries and perovskite solar cells.

Short profile of Professor Islam: www.materials.ox.ac.uk/peoplepages/islam.html?filter_types-3114831[]=&filter_series-3114831[]= .

The joining link is by ‘Panopto’ and works in any web browser – you do not need to open any programs such as Teams, Zoom or Slack.
Date: 14 January 2022, 16:30 (Friday, 0th week, Hilary 2022)
Venue: Online only
Speaker: Professor Saiful Islam (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Department of Materials
Organiser: Lorraine Laird (Department of Materials)
Organiser contact email address: communications@materials.ox.ac.uk
Hosts: Professor Hazel Assender (University of Oxford), Professor Angus Wilkinson (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url: https://ox.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=c93a81b8-bda8-4d74-8919-ae1500d17ed6
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Lorraine Laird