Name: Mr. Ahmed Aboudouh
Chatham House, Atlantic Council

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 18 January 2024

China in the Middle East: A New Regional Superpower?
Date: 18 January 2024, 18:00 - 19:00
Speaker s: Professor William Hurst (University of Cambridge), Mr. Ahmed Aboudouh (Chatham House, Atlantic Council)
Venue: Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square OX1 4AJ
Venue Details: Amersi Foundation Lecture Room
Organiser: Oxford International Relations Society
Host: Oxford International Relations Society

China in the Middle East: A New Regional Superpower?
Date: 18 January 2024, 18:00 - 19:00
Speaker s: Professor William Hurst (University of Cambridge), Mr. Ahmed Aboudouh (Chatham House, Atlantic Council)
Venue: Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square OX1 4AJ
Venue Details: Amersi Foundation Lecture Room
Organiser: Oxford International Relations Society
Host: Oxford International Relations Society