Name: Dr Pranay Shrestha
University of Oxford

Events this person is hosting:

Friday 13 September 2024 (21st Week, Trinity Term)

Self-driving laboratories: the revolution will not be televised
Date: 13 September 2024, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 21st week, Trinity 2024)
Speaker : Prof Alan Aspuru-Guzik (University of Toronto)
Venue: Hume-Rothery Building, Parks Road OX1 3PH
Venue Details: Hume-Rothery Lecture Theatre
Organisers: Dr Pranay Shrestha (University of Oxford), Lorraine Laird (Department of Materials)
Host: Dr Pranay Shrestha (University of Oxford)

Events this person is organising:

Friday 13 September 2024 (21st Week, Trinity Term)

Self-driving laboratories: the revolution will not be televised
Date: 13 September 2024, 13:00 - 14:00 (Friday, 21st week, Trinity 2024)
Speaker : Prof Alan Aspuru-Guzik (University of Toronto)
Venue: Hume-Rothery Building, Parks Road OX1 3PH
Venue Details: Hume-Rothery Lecture Theatre
Organisers: Dr Pranay Shrestha (University of Oxford), Lorraine Laird (Department of Materials)
Host: Dr Pranay Shrestha (University of Oxford)