Name: Yavor Bozhilov
MRC Molecular Haematology Unit, MRC WIMM

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 13 March 2018 (9th Week, Hilary Term)

Analysis of a gain-of-function mutation that produces a new transcriptional unit in the α-globin locus
Date: 13 March 2018, 9:15 - 10:00 (Tuesday, 9th week, Hilary 2018)
Speaker : Yavor Bozhilov (MRC Molecular Haematology Unit, MRC WIMM)
Venue: John Radcliffe Academic, Headington OX3 9DU
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre 1
Organiser: Liz Rose (University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine)
Host: Professor Doug Higgs (MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital)