Name: Scott Billings
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Museums and Mobile: beyond the touchscreen
Date: 8 November 2016, 13:00 - 14:00
Speaker s: Jessica Suess (University of Oxford), Ted Koterwas (University of Oxford), Scott Billings (University of Oxford)
Venue: Weston Library, Broad Street OX1 3BG
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Pip Willcox (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)
Host: Pip Willcox (Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford)

Events this person is organising:

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Learning to Read: Biology to Culture
Date: 22 November 2017, 18:30 - 19:30
Speaker : Professor Kate Nation (University of Oxford)
Venue: University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road OX1 3PW
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Organiser: Scott Billings (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA