Name: Dr Erdinc Sezgin
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 20 January 2017

A reexamination of Fc receptor triggering
Date: 20 January 2017, 9:15 - 10:15
Speaker s: Dr James Felce (University of Oxford), Dr Erdinc Sezgin (University of Oxford)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: WIMM Seminar room
Organiser: Anne Farmer (MRC Human Immunology Unit)
Hosts: TBA

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Spatiotemporal organisation of immune signaling at the plasma membrane
Date: 6 February 2019, 13:00 - 14:00
Speaker : Dr Erdinc Sezgin (University of Oxford)
Venue: Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, South Parks Road OX1 3RE
Venue Details: EPA Seminar Room
Organiser: Melissa Wright (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Host: Dr Marion H Brown (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford)

Events this person is hosting:

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Antibody germline gene variation in the human population
Date: 17 July 2019, 13:30 - 14:30
Speaker : Professor Gunilla B. Karlsson Hedestam (Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet)
Venue: MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Headington OX3 9DS
Venue Details: WIMM Seminar Room
Organiser: Anne Farmer (University of Oxford, NDM Experimental Medicine, RDM Investigative Medicine Division)
Host: Dr Erdinc Sezgin (University of Oxford)