Name: Ellice Stevens
Breach Theatre

Events this person is speaking at:

Friday 17 February 2023

Reimagining Performance Network – Theatre and the Archive
Date: 17 February 2023, 12:30 - 15:00
Speaker s: Dr Ulla Kallenbach (University of Bergen), Professor Tom Kuhn (University of Oxford), Professor Sos Eltis (University of Oxford), Professor Emma Smith (University of Oxford), Dr David Taylor (University of Oxford), Professor Rebecca Beasley (University of Oxford), Billy Barrett (Breach Theatre), Ellice Stevens (Breach Theatre)
Venue: Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square OX1 4AJ
Venue Details: Amersi Lecture Room, Brasenose College
Organiser: TORCH Reimagining Performance Network
Hosts: TBA