Name: Alexandra Gajda

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 27 April 2023

The Parliament of England and the Protestant Reformation: 1547-1571
Date: 27 April 2023, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Alexandra Gajda
Venue: St Cross College, St Giles OX1 3LZ
Venue Details: St Cross Room
Organisers: TBA
Hosts: TBA

Events this person is organising:

Thursday 19 January 2017

Ned Ward and Laughter at the end of the Seventeenth Century
Date: 19 January 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Dr Kate Davison (University of Oxford)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 26 January 2017

The Country conquers it self” - The Idea of Conquest and the English Civil War
Date: 26 January 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Jonas Pollex (University of Oxford)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 2 February 2017

My Authority is Absolute”: Mapping the Political Landscape of Later Stuart Cornwall and South-West Wales
Date: 2 February 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : James Harris (University of Oxford)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 9 February 2017

Charles I's most loyal subject: Thomas Harrison and the Sin of Uzzah
Date: 9 February 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Prof David Cressy (Claremont Graduate University and Christ Church)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 16 February 2017

Loyalist Catholicism Reconsidered: Sir Thomas Tresham and the Elizabethan regime in the 1580s
Date: 16 February 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Katie McKeogh (University of Oxford)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 23 February 2017

Sir John Holt: Courts, Corporations and the Crafting of the Constitutional Landscape after 1688
Date: 23 February 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : George Artley (University of Oxford)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 2 March 2017

Graduate student presentations
Date: 2 March 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Thursday 9 March 2017

Graduate student presentations
Date: 9 March 2017, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker Various Speakers
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Breakfast Room
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Translating the Medieval World for Young Readers
Date: 23 January 2019, 13:00 - 14:00
Speaker : Dr Janina Ramirez (Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford)
Organisers: Lucy Wooding, Steven Gunn, Alexandra Gajda, Ian Archer
Hosts: TBA