Name: Thomas Wright
University of Oxford

Events this person is hosting:

Monday 4 April 2016 (-2nd Week, Trinity Term)

The Oxford Chemical Immunology Conference
Date: 4 April 2016, 8:00 - 19:30 (Monday, -2nd week, Trinity 2016)
Venue: Keble College, Parks Road OX1 3PG
Venue Details: The O’Reilly theatre
Organisers: Thomas Wright (University of Oxford), Kim Wals (University of Oxford), Leanne Minall (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Thomas Wright (University of Oxford), Kim Wals (University of Oxford), Leanne Minall (University of Oxford)

Events this person is organising:

Monday 4 April 2016 (-2nd Week, Trinity Term)

The Oxford Chemical Immunology Conference
Date: 4 April 2016, 8:00 - 19:30 (Monday, -2nd week, Trinity 2016)
Venue: Keble College, Parks Road OX1 3PG
Venue Details: The O’Reilly theatre
Organisers: Thomas Wright (University of Oxford), Kim Wals (University of Oxford), Leanne Minall (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Thomas Wright (University of Oxford), Kim Wals (University of Oxford), Leanne Minall (University of Oxford)