Name: Professor Steven S Gill MB FRCS MS
Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, North Bristol NHS Trust

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 5 May 2015 (2nd Week, Trinity Term)

Prof. Steven Gill "GDNF: Back to the Clinic"
Date: 5 May 2015, 16:00 - 17:00 (Tuesday, 2nd week, Trinity 2015)
Speaker : Professor Steven S Gill MB FRCS MS (Institute of Clinical Neurosciences, North Bristol NHS Trust)
Venue: Sherrington Building, off Parks Road OX1 3PT
Venue Details: Library, please note the building closes at 4pm
Organiser: Melanie Witt (University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics)
Hosts: TBA