Name: Dr. Timothy Michael
University of Oxford

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 7 February 2019

Lincoln Leads 2019: How Does Language Evolve?
Date: 7 February 2019, 17:15 - 19:00
Speaker s: Dr. Timothy Michael (University of Oxford), Lynn Shepherd (Lincoln College), Andrzej Stuart-Thompson (University of Oxford)
Venue: Lincoln College, Turl Street OX1 3DR
Venue Details: Oakeshott Room, Lincoln College, Oxford
Organisers: Xanita Saayman (University of Oxford), Waqas Mirza (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Xanita Saayman (University of Oxford), Waqas Mirza (University of Oxford)

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Hazlitt's Philosophical Criticism: Disinterestedness, Identity, and the Freedom of Speech
Date: 11 October 2022, 17:30 - 18:30
Speaker : Dr. Timothy Michael (University of Oxford)
Venue: Balliol College, Broad Street OX1 3BJ
Organisers: Professor Fiona Stafford, Professor Seamus Perry (University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA