Name: Dr Anke Roelofs
University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Events this person is speaking at:

Monday 25 June 2018

Joint-resident mesenchymal stem cells
Date: 25 June 2018, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Dr Anke Roelofs (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: Bernard Sunley Lecture Theatre
Organisers: Laura Sánchez Lazo (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Professor Irina Udalova (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Jo Silva (NDORMS), Wulf Forrester-Barker (University of Oxford, Nuffield Dept of Orthopaedics Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences)
Host: Dr Fiona Watt (NDORMS, University of Oxford)

Monday 22 November 2021

CANCELLED 'Joint-resident skeletal stem cells in arthritis' by Dr Anke Roelofs
Date: 22 November 2021, 12:00 - 13:00
Speaker : Dr Anke Roelofs (University of Aberdeen, Scotland)
Venue: Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, Headington OX3 7FY
Venue Details: CANCELLED This seminar will be held using Zoom. Please register in advance for this meeting:
Organisers: Ellen Mobbs (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology), Professor Tonia Vincent (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)
Host: Professor Tonia Vincent (Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology)