Name: Ivor Sokolic
European Institute, LSE

Events this person is speaking at:

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Legacies of Yugoslavia on the region’s post-communist transition
Date: 24 February 2021, 17:00 - 18:30
Speaker s: Ljubica Spaskovska (University of Exeter), Milica Uvalic (University of Perugia), Ivor Sokolic (European Institute, LSE)
Venue: St Antony's College, 62 Woodstock Road OX2 6JF
Venue Details: Zoom webinar
Organiser: Othon Anastasakis (SEESOX, St Antony's College)
Hosts: Adis Merdzanovic (SEESOX Associate), Othon Anastasakis (SEESOX, St Antony's College, Oxford)