Name: Asako Mitsuto Nagase
Division of Neurology, Department of Brain and Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (Beacon) Seminar: Mechanisms for Adaptive Learned Avoidance of Mental Effort
Date: 8 October 2019, 13:30 - 14:30
Speaker : Asako Mitsuto Nagase (Division of Neurology, Department of Brain and Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University)
Venue: Anna Watts Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Venue Details: 2nd Floor Room 10.62
Organiser: Kentaro Miyamoto (Deaprtment of Experimental Psychology)
Host: Kentaro Miyamoto (Deaprtment of Experimental Psychology)