Name: Eugen Dimant
University of Pennsylvania

Events this person is speaking at:

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Hate Trumps Love: The Impact of Political Polarization on Social Preferences
Date: 9 February 2021, 14:00 - 15:00
Speaker : Eugen Dimant (University of Pennsylvania)
Venue Details: Talk will be held via Zoom
Organiser: Noah Bacine (University of Oxford)
Host: Noah Bacine (University of Oxford)

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Tight, Loose and Polarized Norms
Date: 16 August 2022, 17:00 - 18:00
Speaker : Eugen Dimant (University of Pennsylvania)
Venue: Butler Room,
Venue Details: This is a hybrid event--interested participants can attend in person or virtually via Zoom
Organisers: Noah Bacine (University of Oxford), Professor Raymond Duch (University of Oxford)
Hosts: Noah Bacine (University of Oxford), Professor Raymond Duch (University of Oxford)