Name: Kathryn Jennings
NDPCHS, University of Oxford

Events this person is organising:

Thursday 26 March 2020

CANCELLED: Challenging the "old boys' club" culture in medicine: Daphne Romney's independent report into sexism and harassment at the BMA.
Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change
Status: This talk has been cancelled
Date: 26 March 2020, 15:00 - 16:00
Speaker : Daphne Romne QC (Cloisters)
Venue: Somerville College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HD
Venue Details: Flora Anderson Hall
Organiser: Kathryn Jennings (NDPCHS, University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA

Monday 16 November 2020

Challenging the "old boys' club" culture in medicine: Daphne Romney's independent report into sexism and harassment at the BMA.
Date: 16 November 2020, 16:00 - 17:00
Speaker : Daphne Romne QC (Cloisters)
Organiser: Kathryn Jennings (NDPCHS, University of Oxford)
Hosts: TBA