Oxford Talks
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Eva Miller
University of Oxford
Events this person is organising:
Friday 12 May 2017
The Mesopotamian Sublime: Time, Matter, Image in Mesopotamian Antiquity
This lecture is free to students and staff of the University of Oxford. Booking is necessary for members of the public not affiliated with the University and can be made here: http://www.ashmolean.org/events/Lectures/?id=132
Prof. Zainab Bahrani
(Columbia University)
Topics in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (EANES Topics Seminar)
Wednesday 24 May 2017
Neo-Babylonian 'Forgeries': Attempts to Deceive or an Epigraphic Interaction with the Past?
Adam Howe
(University of Oxford)
Early Text Cultures Seminar: (Re-)Appropriation of Epigraphic Texts Across Cultures
Tuesday 30 May 2017
'And the Goddess Gave Us the Love of Husband and Wife’: Hittite Kings and Their Queens
Dr Amir Gilan
(Tel Aviv University)
Topics in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (EANES Topics Seminar)
The Abgar-Story in Greek Inscriptional Traditions
Ida Toth
(Wolfson College, Oxford)
Early Text Cultures Seminar: (Re-)Appropriation of Epigraphic Texts Across Cultures
Tuesday 11 July 2017
One Hundred Years of the Egyptian Collection at Kyoto University––Past and Future
Prof. Tomoaki Nakano
(Chubu University, Japan)
Topics in Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies (EANES Topics Seminar)