Name: Kalypso Nicolaidis
School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute

Events this person is speaking at:

Thursday 17 June 2021 (8th Week, Trinity Term)

Book discussion: A Citizen’s Guide to the Rule of Law
Date: 17 June 2021, 17:00 - 18:30 (Thursday, 8th week, Trinity 2021)
Speaker s: Adis Merdzanovic (School of Management and Law, Zurich University of Applied Sciences), Kalypso Nicolaidis (School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute), Alexander Stubb (School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute), Othon Anastasakis (SEESOX, St Antony's College, Oxford), Sarah Nouwen (School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute), Marta Pardavi (School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute)
Venue: St Antony's College, 62 Woodstock Road OX2 6JF
Venue Details: Zoom webinar
Organiser: Julie Adams (St Antony's College, University of Oxford)
Host: Othon Anastasakis (SEESOX, St Antony's College, Oxford)