The National Archives online research training

You are invited to attend online training from The National Archives.

In these thematic sessions, record experts introduce you to relevant material for your research, with time for questions.

What is a PAST Thematic Overview workshop?

The Postgraduate Archival Skills Training (PAST) programme offers students a unique opportunity to obtain the skills and knowledge needed to undertake academic research using original records at The National Archives.

This workshop is part of our new series of Thematic Overviews, which are designed to provide you with guidance on approaching the archive from a thematic perspective, highlighting records from across different areas of The National Archives’ collection.

This is a short online workshop and so will not provide in-depth instruction on navigating and interpreting original historical records. For more in-depth training taking place on-site at The National Archives and involving hands-on document work, please see our other workshops in the PAST programme.

For more information about the PAST programme and to see other workshops in the series, please visit The National Archives’ website or email

You can join the conversation and learn more about our other PAST workshops by following #TNAPAST

Tuesday 16 April 2024