All are welcome to attend the OUCAGS Forum series, which comprises a series of talks on current research projects combined with lunchtime skills sessions and talks by guest speakers. It provides an opportunity for OUCAGS’ Foundation doctors, Academic Clinical Fellows and Clinical Lecturers to share and discuss research ideas, findings and know-how – amongst themselves and with others interested in clinical research. – See more at: new.talks.ox.ac.uk/talks/id/f19bb9ae-3888-4f80-a3e2-d491dddb89ec/#sthash.P0ZfxaJW.dpuf
Type: Seminar Series
Series organiser: Abigail Hipkin (Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford)
Timing: Regular events throughout termtime, see series events for dates and times


No upcoming talks to display for this series.
Editor: Abigail Hipkin