Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS)

Welcome to the University of Oxford’s Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS). Founded in 2007, CEMS brings together a multidisciplinary range of research activities across departments and colleges at the University of Oxford.

CEMS is a central hub for researchers of all disciplines — hosting faculty members and postgraduate students from thirteen departments — who are interested in the various aspects of early modernity in Europe and beyond. This website facilitates their research by advertising research seminars and conferences, sharing research projects, co-ordinating competitions for funding, publicising opportunities for early career researchers, and connecting early modernists around the university.

If you would like to advertise an early modern event, or want to be added to our mailing list, please contact the research co-ordinator, Flynn Allott: mailto:flynn.allott@oriel.ox.ac.uk.
Type: Seminar Series
Series organiser: Oxford Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS)
Web Address: https://earlymodern.web.ox.ac.uk/home


Wednesday 5 March 2025

Social Discipline and the Repression of Blasphemy in Early Modern Venice: The Court of the essecutori contro la bestemmia (16th-17th Centuries)
Date: 5 March 2025, 15:30 - 16:30
Speaker : Dr Caterina Caversan (Verona)
Venue: Merton College, Merton Street OX1 4JD
Venue Details: Mure Room
Organiser: Oxford Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS)
Hosts: TBA

Editors: Laura Spence, Belinda Clark