Society for the Study of Theology Graduate Conference

Thinking as/through pracice: Scripture, Liturgy, Spirituality
All are invited to either present a paper, or attend, the 2019 Society for the Study of
Theology Graduate Conference. As the title suggests, this year’s conference focuses on
the intersections of theory and practice as it is variously found in academic, ecclesial and
public contexts. Each context, although distinctive in its method and approach, stands
open to the influence of the other. One might think of the role that theory plays in the
organisation of action, and conversely, of the role that practice plays in grounding theory in
the embodied and lived realities of persons. In both instances, a reciprocity exists
between the modalities of practice, and the theorising thereof. But how might one then
think of spirituality? Do theory and practice stand in opposition to another when speaking
of spirituality? Or are they two fundamental embodiments of
one conceptual whole? Finally, can spirituality be performed?
Proposals from all graduate students are welcomed.

Key note speaker: Professor Graham Ward

Friday 12 July 2019 (11th Week, Trinity Term)