The politics of service delivery: The case of education

Debates on education often cover the question, “What works to increase learning?.” However, even when the reform focus is agreed governments face challenges in implementing bold reform. Lack of political incentives, vested interests, and weak public sector management all contribute to the challenge.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also had detrimental effects on child learning and development. Learning loss is predicted to have long term impacts on the economy, inequality and human capital. Governments need to take urgent steps to ensure that effective education policies are implemented to prevent further loss.

This event will discuss the politics of service delivery, drawing on strategies from governments across the world: What are the main stoppers for education policy delivery? What steps need to be taken to ensure effective, evidence-based policy development and strong implementation? Bringing evidence into action, this panel will discuss the political barriers to service delivery in education and how these can be overcome.

This event is in-person only at the Blavatnik School of Government.