Day 3: International Conference - Global Gender: Pasts, Presents, Futures - Gender in Film and Fiction

Day 3, Gender in Film and Fiction
Morning: Old Dining Hall, St Edmund Hall
Afternoon: Phoenix Picture-House Cinema

09:30-13:30 (St Edmund Hall) Gender and the Global Novel In Conversation with Elleke Boehmer (Oxford)
Xiaolu Guo, Author & filmmaker, A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers (2007); Radical: A Life of My Own (2023)
Margie Orford, Author of Daddy’s Girl (2006); The Eye of the Beholder (2022)

Afternoon: (Phoenix Picture-House Cinema) Gender and Global Film
14:00 Welcome
14:00-16:00 Screening of Joyland (2022), Jury Prize and Queer Palm, Cannes 2022
16:00-16:20 Tea Break
16:20-17:20 Discussion with Director Saim Sadiq
17:50-19:00 Screening of Wayfaring Stranger (2024)
19:00-20:00 Discussion with Director Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Jarman (Award 2020)

For full programme visit: