Death and Mortality in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Postgraduate Conference Day 1

Postgraduate scholars across the University of Oxford are conducting research into cultural, psychological and social aspects of death and mortality. This conference, running online over two afternoons on the 19th and 26th of November, offers an insight into some of their work and findings.

On this first conference day, three successive panels will reflect on three overarching questions about the human experience of death, and the existential problems it raises:

Scholars of theology, literature and history will ask how societies and individuals have used religious frameworks to offer consolation in the face of death, suffering and bereavement. Global historians and anthropologists will examine human experiences of the deaths of non-humans. Archaeologists and historians will discuss the commemoration of death and loss in monuments and artefacts, and the meanings of these monuments in the twenty-first century.

All are encouraged to attend and join the discussion – please contact for the conference programme and list of abstracts.

This conference has been generously funded by the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute.

Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 846 5776 8921
Passcode: 4HKScr

Day two link:

Organiser: Eleanor Kerfoot, Faculty of History
Co-organiser: Edward Jones, Faculty of Classics