Gray's Inn Panel Discussion: Aspects of the Rule of Law

We are pleased to invite you to an evening hosted by Gray’s Inn and Pembroke College, aimed at any students interested in or considering a career in law, and specifically the Bar. The event will be an opportunity to meet barristers and members of the judiciary who have also studied at Oxford and are now members of Gray’s Inn.

The evening will commence with a Panel Discussion on Aspects of the Rule of Law, chaired by the Inn’s Treasurer, Sir Peter Gross.

The panel will consist of:

HH Wendy Joseph KC
Ali Malek KC
Hugo Keith KC
Rajkiran Barhey
Alll are members of Gray’s Inn and will share their unique perspectives and experiences.

This will be followed by a drinks reception where you will have the opportunity to meet the panel and other barristers, who will be able to discuss careers in law and their experiences of the transition from the study of law to a career at the Bar.

All students are welcome.

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to or register at with your Oxford email address.