EU-China relations: Can cooperation and competition coexist?

The scholarly literature on EU-China relations often draws a dichotomous distinction between material and ideational factors, frequently overemphasizing the ‘interest versus value’ motif that underpins this complex relationship. Despite its importance, the diplomacy and future trajectory of EU-China relations remain opaque and incalculably intricate. This talk moves beyond binary frameworks by introducing a novel theoretical model of diplomatic relationship-building. This model highlights nuanced and latent factors that drive EU-China diplomacy, capturing the ‘relational’ nature of these interactions by incorporating the social layer of ‘intentions’ into the analysis of international diplomacy.
By examining the processes, practices, and politics of EU-China relations over the past two decades, particularly in the areas of climate change and agricultural trade, this study sheds light on the opportunities and challenges inherent in strengthening their partnership. It offers new insights into the dynamics of EU-China relations, providing a fresh perspective on fostering more effective diplomatic engagement.