Marking 50 years since Hannah Arendt’s passing.
Christopher Hayes is Official Fellow and Tutor in English, Fellow for Libraries and Keeper of the Archives, St John’s College, University of Oxford. His first two books focused on modern fiction, and considered questions about literary value in contrasting ways. The first, J.M. Coetzee and the Novel (2010), explored how literature can acquire public moral and political significance, and the second, Philip Roth: Fiction and Power (2014), asks how, and to what ends, literature can help us escape the unilluminating and entrapping forms of moral language which command such power in the modern world. His recent work is Beyond the Ancient Quarrel (2018)—a collection of essays by a range of contemporary philosophers and literary critics, which borrows its title from the claim Socrates makes in the Republic that ‘there is an ancient quarrel between poetry and philosophy’. His other recent project is The Oxford History of Life-Writing: Postwar to Contemporary (2022).
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