Day 1: 2nd Annual UCLA Graduate Conference in Political Theory: Annihilation

11:00-12:20 – Keynote: Apocalypse and Reconstruction Speaker: Dr. William Paris
12:30-13:50 – Annihilation: State as Source and Safeguard
Chair: Anthony Norton
Ibrahim Khan, “Fears of Minority Annihilation in an Imperial Context: The Political Thought of Husain Ahmad Madani”
Eden Luymes, “Atmospheric Enclosure and Eroding Sovereignty: The Failures of Statist-Kantian Territorial Sovereignty in the Face of Neoliberalism and Climate Change”
Eraldo Souza dos Santos, “(Complete) Civil Disobedience and Bloodshed”
14:00-15:20 – Desiring Annihilation
Chair: Alex Diones
Ana Isabel Martinez Jimenez, “Sleep and the Death Drive: An Exploration
of Anxiety in Freud’s Theory of Dreams”
Francesca Passaseo, “‘We want everything!’: The Self-Annihilation of the Working-Class Identity and Its Potentiality in Vogliamo Tutto”
15:30-16:50 – Erasures and Resistances
Chair: Josh Campbell
Elizabeth Camacho, “Bureaucratized Identities: Blood Quantum as Necropolitics, the Discourse of Indian Authenticity, and Indigenous Social Death”
Joyce Lu, “From Columbus to Coronavirus: Discourses of Pandemic in Post-Genocide Guatemala”
Kaiqing Su, “Mapping Everyday Waters in Global Climate Change: Sea Level Rise and Critical Cartography in the Marshall Islands”
17:00-18:20 – Abolition, Coalition, and Mutual Aid Chair: Michael Mirer
Reese Haller, “Negotiating Liberation and Annihilation: Coalitional Politics Around and Through Race”
Lacey Slizeski, “Revolutionary Care: Mutual Aid Communities, Coalitions, and Movements of Radical Opposition”
Matt Schneider, “Apartheid, Los Angeles”

All times in PDT