The Oxford Rare Disease Society (OxRare) and the Sherrington Society are excited to welcome you to “Connecting the Dots” – our first Oxford University Student Rare Disease Conference, taking place Sunday 23rd February, 9:30–17:00 at Magdalen College, Oxford. We’re supported by Medics for Rare Disease and our kind sponsors.
Join us for this exciting opportunity to hear from expert speakers at the frontiers of genomics and medical research, amplify Rare Disease patient voices, forge new collaborations, and learn how we can make a positive difference as the doctors and science professionals of tomorrow.
Call for posters! Students and early career researchers are invited to submit a poster presentation, with chance to win prizes! Submit your abstracts here:
In-person ticket includes FREE tea, coffee, delicious lunch and networking drinks. We just ask that you complete the feedback form to receive your Certificate of Attendance and part-reimbursement of the ticket cost. The event is FREE to attend for individuals with lived experience of rare disease.
NB: Livestream tickets are intended for those joining virtually from outside of Oxford. Those in Oxford are highly encouraged to attend in person to enjoy free refreshments and the opportunity to speak to Rare Disease patient representatives.